Frequently asked questions
What are the settlement options available in PromptTech Lite?
The available settlement options are - Cash, Card, Credit, and Cash+Card.
How can I get a receipt from PromptTech Lite?
- To get Receipt from TWIGS POS,
Step 1 - Go to the POS window. - Step 2 - Click on Options button.
- Step 3 - Click on the Receipt option.
- Step 4 - In the receipt window, select the customer name from the ‘By’ column.
- Step 5 - Select the payment mode in the ‘To’ column.
- Step 6 - Click on the Show bills button.
- Step 7 - The pending bills will be listed in the pop-up window.
- Step 8 - Select the bills to be settled.
- Step 9 - Click the Proceed button.
- Step 10 - Click Save.
You have successfully generated a receipt on TWIGS.
How can I make payments from PromptTech Lite?
- To make payment in TWIGS POS,
Step 1 - Go to the POS window. - Step 2 - Select the Options button.
- Step 3 - Select Payment.
- Step 4 -In the window that appears, add the payment mode in the ‘By’ column.
- Step 5 - Select the supplier name from the ‘To’ column.
- Step 6 - Click on the Show bills button.
- Step 7 - Select the bills for settlement from the pop-up window.
- Step 8 -Click Proceed.
- Step 9 - Click Save.
You have successfully made a payment in Twigs POS.
Explain the process of bill wise exchange and item wise exchange in PromptTech Lite?
- To fulfill Bill Wise Exchange, Step 1 - Go to the POS window.
- Step 2 - Click on Options.
- Step 3 - Click on Bill wise exchange.
- Step 4 - A pop-up window will appear.
- Step 5 - Choose the bill date and bill number in the Reference Number box, to search the bill for exchange.
- Step 6 - Click view.
- Step 7 - In the bill that is listed , click on the plus (+) icon.
- Step 8.a - In the exchange window click on the search icon.
- Step 8.b
- Step 9 - In the pop-up window select items to be exchanged.
- Step 10 -Enter the quantity to be exchanged.
- Step 11 Click on Settlement option and settle the bill.
You have successfully completed Bill wise exchange. - To fulfill Item Wise Exchange, Step 1 - Go to the POS Window.
- Step 2 - Click on Options.
- Step 3 - Select Item Wise Exchange.
- Step 4 - Click ‘Yes’ on the confirmation message.
- Step 5.a - Scan the item or Search for the item in the Search box.
- Step 5.b
- Step 6 - Select the item for exchange
- Step 7 - Edit the quantity as per requirement.
- Step 8 - Click on Settlement and settle the exchange.
You have successfully completed Item wise exchange.
Managing Multiple Customers in PromptTech Lite
While creating an invoice, suppose you have to put the ongoing billing customer on hold and create an invoice for another customer, you can easily put the current bill on hold and recall the same later.
- To put the bill on hold,
Step 1 - Go to the POS window. - Step 2 - Create an invoice.
- Step 3 - Click on Hold.
- Step 4 - Click Yes on the confirmation message.
- Step 5 - Click OK.
You have successfully put the bill on hold. - To Recall,
Step 1 - Go to the POS window. - Step 2 - Click on Recall.
- Step 3 - Bills on Hold will be listed
- Step 4 - Select the bill to be recalled by clicking on the plus (+) icon.
- Step 5 -Selected bill will appear
You can continue billing for the customer.
How does the loyalty option work in PromptTech Lite?
- To enable Loyalty,
Step 1 -In the back office window click on Settings. - Step 2 - Click on Settings.
- Step 3 - Select Company Settings.
- Step 4 - Click on Loyalty Settings.
- Step 5.a - Enable Loyalty and fill in the required values.
- Step 5.b
- Step 6 - Click Save.
You have successfully enabled the Loyalty option. - To convert regular customers to loyal customers,
Step 1 - In the back office window, click on Masters. - Step 2 - Click on Customer
- Step 3 - Click on View and search for customers.
- Step 4 - Select the customer
- Step 5 - In the form, enter the loyalty card number and enable Loyalty for customer checkbox.
- Step 6 - Click Update.
- Step 7- Click OK.
You have successfully converted regular customers to loyal customers. - How loyalty works,
Step 1 - Go to the POS window - Step 2.a-Search Loyalty customers
- Step 2 .b
- Step 3 - Search Items to make a bill.
- Step 3 .b
- Step 4 Click Settlement option and settle the bill.
Loyalty points will be automatically added. - To generate Loyalty Point Reports,
Step 1 In the back office window, click on Reports. - Step 2 - Select the Loyalty Reports from the Others section.
- Step 3.a - Select customers by search.
- Step 3.b
- Step 4 - Click Show.
The Loyalty report will be displayed.
How can I create and search for existing customers in PromptTech Lite?
- To create a customer through POS window,
Step 1 - Click on the plus (+) icon next to the customer name on the POS window. - Step 2 - In the pop-up form, fill in the details.
- Step 3 - Click Save.
You have successfully created a customer through the POS window. - To create customer in Back-office
Step 1 - In the back-office, click on the Masters option. - Step 2 - Click on the Customers option.
- Step 3 - In the form that appears, enter all the details.
- Step 4 - Click Save.
You have successfully created a customer in the back-office. - To search existing customers,
Step 1- In the POS window, click on the search icon next to the customer name. - Step 2 - Enter any one of the customer details - customer name, phone number, or loyalty card number and search for the customer.
The customer will be listed on the screen.
Is there any way to bill items without a barcode in PromptTech Lite?
- To make bill without barcode,
Step 1 - On the POS window, click on the Search icon - Step 2 - In the form that appears, enter the product name or product code or style number or the brand and click Search.
- Step 3 - Click on the required item from the displayed list.
The item will be added to the invoice.
What are the discount options available in PromptTech Lite?
- To add Item-wise discount - Amount,
Step 1 - Select the items to be billed. - Step 2 - Click on the Item-wise Discount option.
- Step 3 - In the pop-up window enter Discount amount and click OK.
- Step 4 - Click on Settlement and settle the bill.
You have successfully added an Item-wise Discount on the bill amount. - To add Item-wise discount - Percentage
Step 1 - Select the items to be billed. - Step 2 - Click on the Percentage (%) icon next to the item-wise button.
- Step 3 - In the pop-up enter the discount percentage and Click Ok.
- Step 4 - Click on the Settlement option and settle the bill.
You have successfully added Item-wise Discount percentage for the bill. - To add loyalty discount,
Step 1 - In the POS window, click on the Search icon next to the Customer name field. - Step 2 - In the pop-up search and select the loyalty customer
- Step 3 - Click on the Item Search icon and select the item to be billed from the item selection window.
- Step 4 - Click on Option.
- Step 5 - Click on the Redeem Points options.
- Step 6 - Enter the amount to redeem and click Proceed
- Step 7 - Click on the Close button.
You have successfully added a Loyalty Discount for your customer.
How shift open and close works in PromptTech Lite?
- Shift Open and Close works only in the POS counter. Shift Open and Close works only in the POS counter
To set POS system as POS counter,
Step 1 - On the POS window, click on Options. - Step 2 - Click on Back-office.
- Step 3 - Select Settings.
- Step 4 - In the list that appears click on Settings.
- Step 5 - Select System wise Settings.
- Step 6 - Enable the Set as POS Counter option.
- Step 7 - Click Save.
- Step 8 - Click Ok.
You have successfully set the POS system as a POS counter. - To set Shift Open,
Step 1 - Login to the application using Username and Password or User Code. - Step 1.b
- Step 2 - In the pop-up enter Opening cash.
- Step 3 - Click Ok.
You have successfully set your Shift Open. - To set Shift Close,
Step 1 - In the POS window click on Close shift button. - Step 2 - Click Yes on confirmation message.
- Step 3 - Enter the counter cash, card amount, and click Close Shift Now
You have successfully set Shift close. Shift close reports will be generated.
Can you explain Item return in POS in PromptTech Lite?
- To Return item in POS,
Step 1 - In the POS window, click on Options. - Step 2 - In the list, select Return.
- Step 3 - Click Yes.
- Step 4 - Click View Sales button to see old sales bills.
- Step 5 - Click on the View button and search for the bill to return the item.
- Step 6 - Click on the required bill.
- Step 7 - Selected bill will be displayed, enter the Quantity for return.
- Step 8 - Click OK.
- Step 9 - Click Save.
You have successfully completed Item return in POS.